Maths or Math? ✖️➗➕➖🟰
Seriously, a contentious question in Australia 🦘
I'm now back in Oz for the next two weeks, so as per usual I have my ear to the ground and eyes wide open to hear and see what's the latest with Australian English.
Here's the first thing I've noticed.
So my nephew just told me how much he hates "math". Nothing out of the ordinary... or is it?
Growing up in Australia many, many decades ago, Aussies were adamant that "maths" is the "correct" abbreviated term and that "math" is, I quote, "an American abomination".
Well, fast forward to now and you'll find many younger Aussies saying they study "math".
And how do many (particularly older) Aussies react to "math"?
According to social media comments and a rather massive Reddit sub-thread dedicated solely to Australians arguing over math vs maths... with rage! 🤬💡
Goes to show that even the little things can alienate an audience, so it's best to consult linguistic experts in the field when it comes to targeting your text and copy for specific audiences. And for Australia, I'm here for you! Let's talk. Email me at